Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Open IDEO: For people who want to collaborate to make change happen

I wanted to share some information with you about a social innovation platform that I discovered while doing some research for a course. I found the approach and the level of participation so interesting that I decided to join this online global community. 

OpenIDEO is an open innovation platform for social good. We're a global community that draws upon the optimism, inspiration, ideas and opinions of everyone to solve problems together.  From the OpenIDEO How It Works Page
OpenIDEO provides an opportunity to participate in a collaborative manner. A challenge is issued. Afterwards three development phases occur; research, ideas and evaluations are put into motion. Community members can contribution in different ways. 

The current challenge is: How might we make low-income urban areas safer and more empowering for women and girls? This challenge is currently in the research phase. 

If you are interested in contributing to this particular OpenIDEO challenge here is the link to the site.  I am planning to make a contribution and I hope that you will find the way to share your ideas to help create a safer environment for women and girls. 
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